There is something happening in the world, apparently, that might mean that you are restricted in your options for the no-mad winter challenge. The idea of this challenge is to give you some options to plan a route, anywhere you can get an Ordnance Survey 1:25,000 map, that you would be able to do under lockdown restrictions. Whilst it's not a mountain challenge, it might be possible that you can't get to these during this coming year, so here's the crack!
As always the challenge is 'open' from 1st January to the 28th February
You have four options to choose from - you could even have a go at them all!
The aim is to get as far away from your starting point as possible (as the crow flies) you score 1 point for every 5km you get from your starting point.
You can score additional points by passing the symbols in the section beneath.
You must use the types of road or path in your chosen category, private land without a public right of way is not acceptable. Even if you are using access land (like forestry) your journey must remain on these types of road or path.
On foot you can only turn right at junctions on the roads and paths defined in the picture beneath. You can choose the first or second path or road to the right if you like, but you must take the third one. At T-junctions or crossroads you must turn right.
The junction count is reset after each right turn you make. No left turns!

You have a choice of total elapsed time being 1 hour or 4 hours.
If you're keen to use social media to enthuse others please use #AllRightChallenge
On a bike you can only turn left at junctions on the roads and paths defined in the picture beneath. You can choose the first or second path or road to the left if you like, but you must take the third one. At T-junctions or crossroads you must turn left.
The junction count is reset after each left turn you make. No right turns!

You have a choice of total elapsed time being 2 hours or 4 hours.
If you're keen to use social media to enthuse others please use #AllLeftChallenge
Example of the rules for an on foot journey

This would also score an additional point for passing the place of worship!
You will score an additional set of points as follows - if you complete and submit a route in the following date windows:
1st -19th January + 5 points
20th January - 2nd February +3 points
3rd - 16th February +1 point.
Our preference is that you submit your route on Strava as a 'race' (by sharing on our Facebook page) within 48 hours of completing your journey. We will however accept a GPX trace of your journey emailed to
Most points "wins". There are no specific prizes this year, but we will award spot prizes for particularly impressive tracks!
Of course we want you to have fun with this challenge but please keep in mind.....
You are undertaking this challenge at your own risk, you should ensure you have the skills, experience and equipment to be safe in the conditions and route that you choose on the day.
There is a Facebook Group for people who want others to discuss this with!
What else do you need you need to know before taking on the challenge?
There is no excuse for not following the relevant Coronavirus guidelines for you, in your area.
We expect you to do this in the spirit it's offered, a challenge. We expect you to be respectful of others, users and landowners.
It is essential that any Strava submission is marked as 'race' this shows the elapsed time, and not the moving time.
In the event that two submissions have the same linear distance from the start point, and score the same, we will award 1 point for the journey with a higher proportion of their journey off tarmac and another point for more height gain. If there is still a tie, we will celebrate your joint brilliance!